
Island Hospice Donation

Phil Di Sorbo, Director, Africa Hospice Initiative (AHI) is seen here receiving a check from Vivienne Croisette, Proprietor of ZimSculpt for $1,327.  Five percent from our internet sales goes towards a charity of our choice.  We are pleased to announce that we will be working with Island Hospice & Healthcare from this day forward.  We have been […]

Final Week in North Carolina

Please join us for our final week of the show at The Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens in Belmont, North Carolina. Thank you to everyone who has visited us, enjoyed the exhbition and supported us.  Joseph, Patrick & Passmore have enjoyed meeting you all and will return back to Zimbabwe full of great stories… If you […]

ZimSculpt are back in the U.S.!

ZimSculpt artists in residence Patrick Sephani & Passmore Mupindiko arrived in North Carolina with curator Joseph Croisette to set up our 3 month exhibition at the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens, in Belmont, near Charlotte. The opening reception went well and we’ve received many visitors despite the heat and humidity! We have a one week guest […]

Lighting Your Sculpture at Night!

We receive many enquiries regarding lighting sculpture and have a very good contact in the UK that can help you, if you are based there? Please follow the link to see their recommendation for illuminating your special pieces; If you are somewhere else in the world, take a look at the site and see […]

Richard Jack Sculptor

We have been honoured to have been contacted by Richard Jack, a renowned white Zimbabwean sculptor who’s work we’ve admired since the day we were introduced to him back in 2000. Richard set the trend in a modern international forum for Zimbabwean sculptors – using mixed media such as stone, metal and wood. Painting is […]

Tengenenge, Fanizani Akuda & our charitable contributions…

We’re looking forward to our Summer exhibitions and are collecting furiously from all over the country. We had a great trip out to Tengenenge, the world-famous Sculpture Community based in the middle of nowhere!   Tengenenge (watch this documentary) is now owned by world-renowned Zimbabwean Sculptor Dominic Benhura. It was great to see all the […]

Charity, Fair-trade, Ethical business practices?

We are not a ‘Charity’ and have never implied that. We do our fairshare with donating sculptures for fundraising events (mostly linked to Zimbabwe) and also collect clothes etc which we personally pay to get shipped back to Zimbabwe. We are consistently disgusted by many other Zimbabwean sculpture dealers who are proporting to give generously […]

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