Shelton Mubayi

I was born on the 8th of January 1976 in Chiota Communal Lands, Marondera. I did part of my primary education in the rural areas before moving to the capital where I continued with my education up to ‘O’ Level, this was at Zengeza 3 High School. After that I studied Travel and Tourism, culminating in my attaining a certificate in 1999 and later on a Diploma in the same discipline with I.C.M.

I would say that the moment when I moved from the rural areas on to town was the turning point- this is so because during that early age I used to watch Sylvester Mubayi doing his sculpting whilst at the same time trying my hand using chip offs. Though I did not produce works of a good quality, I knew that with such a beginning I would one day be able to make very creative pieces.

With neither laid down rules nor guidelines except for my own highly personal ambitions I set out to produce sculpture that, not only evokes, but also provides greater stimulation and interest to the audience. Often we talk about the old Shona customs and traditions, which have helped our people to live happily for centuries – in my sculptures I try to translate emotion, beauty and substance into a coherent provocative form. My aspiration is to create images that transcend the mundane to reveal dignity and elegance that might otherwise remain unseen.

I look up to people like Eddie Masaya, a second-generation sculptor, whose vibrancy and creative capacity make me aspire to greater creative heights. I am also inspired when I look at the work of my brother George, who often puts salient academic applications to every piece he does. I am so grateful to all those who helped me, and in particular, my wonderful father, Sylvester who- more than anyone- trained my eyes to see movement and hear the sounds not audible to most people.

My works have been exhibited worldwide and most notably in: The United States of America
United Kingdom
And The Netherlands.


Retrospective Zeist Holland 2001(Chapungu Sculptures/Gallery Sonda)

Anders In Beeld(Touch of Tenderness) Kasteel Keukenhof, Holland 2003(Gallery
Artist In Residence Oud-Poelgeest, Holland 2004 (Gallery
Het Slot Zeist, Holland, 2004(Gallery
Artist in Residence Overvan Health Center Holland
Kalmtout Belgium 2005
Group Exhibition Kalmtout Belgium 2006
Group Exhibition Germany Wernsbach (Into Africa
Skulpturengalerie 2006, 2007, 2008)


Kasteel Keukenhof, Holland 2003(Gallery Sonda)
Oud-Poelgeest, Holland 2004 (Gallery Sonda)
Het Slot Zeist, Holland, 2004(Gallery Sonda)
Overvan Health Center Holland, Kalmtout Belgium 2005
Kalmtout Belgium 2006
Germany Wernsbach (Into Africa Skulpturengalerie 2008)

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