Nixon Muti

Nixon Muti was born twenty years in one of Zimbabwes tourist resorts, Mutare. Nixon Muti fought all odds to become a force to reckon with in Shona art.

Nixon has been interested in art from a small age and he was active in his schools club in Mutare. Five years ago he met a young a Shona artist called Tamuka Njanji. It was with Tamuka that he mastered the basics of stone art and carving with him for three years.

Luckily he met one of Zimbabwes broadly accomplished sculptors, Norbet Shamuyarira, who enuned Nixon into the beauty of stone art that was a significance to the day to day living of Shona people.

Nixon expresses to take his art abroad and wishes to hold exhibitions nationally and beyond oceans. As he works on hard stones like springstone, cobalt and serpentine.

The sky is the limit for this hard working young Shona artist.

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