Nelson Ngonisa

“I grew up in a society in which love stands above all else, in which love is expected of mothers to their children and husbands to their wives”. (Nelson Ngonisa)

I explore holistic themes in sculptures which broadly touch on love, I believe human beings need love and animals need love too.  I grew up in a family which parental love was always absent as the parents worked in the nearby farms of Bindura.  This is reflected in nesting chicks (2002) in which the chicks are craving for the love of their mother. The love between the chicks and their mother is symbolic of the love expected between mother and Child.”

Ngonisa used themes that deal with the aspect of sharing feeling. The elders in African society talks about family matters and provide information often secretly to the younger generation.  In Sharing Secrets (2016) made of Springstone, the birds symbolize the wisdom if the elderly on how to deal with family matters and the key issues that affect the society.  His images are characterized by the Dove, a symbol of love in most societies.

When he was unemployed he was caught in a dilemma in  society in which success counts the most.

He made a piece for decision makers which is about the dilemmas faced by young people in a society.  He was mentored by Nicholas Kadzungura and Royal Katiyo and worked as an assistant to Luxon Karise.

Hartman House 2000 ,2001 Harare, Zimbabwe
AGiO  2003 Harare, Zimbabwe
Baobab Lodge 2004 Harare, Zimbabwe
Joanne Sunday 2006 South Africa
Buddies Annual Festival of Arts 2009
Live and direct National Art Gallery of ZIMBABWE

Collectors : IzArt  2005 Netherlands
Timbuktu trading
Chapungu Sculpture Park

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