Misheck Makaza

Misheck Makaza was born in 1977 in Guruve, the North of Zimbabwe. Misheck is from the Shona tribe, unmarried and sixth born in a family of seven.

Misheck accomplished his primary education in Guruve and in 1995 began secondary education in Negomo achieving five OLevels.

After completing education Misheck visited his brother Tinashe who was then working at Chapungu Sculpture Park on a years residency programme. Misheck joined Tinashe at Chapungu and started working as his assistant.

In his spare time he used to sculpt his own pieces, which were brought by various customers of his brothers.

Mishecks work is influenced by his natural surroundings and his sculptures reflect the organic shapes found in mountains clouds and flowers.

Sadly his brother passed away in July 2002 and Misheck has now carried on as a full-time artist in honour of his brother.

Apart from sculpting Misheck likes to keep abreast of current affairs, attends church and visits places that interest him.

For Misheck’s first ever video interview visit http://youtu.be/1cRc5tHjUXg

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