Coster Balakasi

I was born on the 2nd July 1972 at Harare Hospital. Also the first in a family of three with one girl. My father is a Malawian and I have a Zimbabwean mother. I grew up in a high-density area of Harare, in the Tafara Township. I started doing my Primary education at Tsinhirano Primary School, Tafara, Harare in 1979 until 1985. I proceeded to Tafara No 2 High School for secondary education in 1986-1989 respectively.

I started doing sculpture in 1988 during my school holiday with artists like Miger Padaso, Dominic Benhura and many others in Tafara. In 1993 I started sculpting in Grendale, Harare with another artist Cosmos Muchenje, as his assistant artist until 1998 when I started working on my own. In 1999 I worked at the Chapungu Sculpture Park as a resident artists in their yearly programme. In that year I visited Canterbury, England to open an exhibition and workshop.

Exhibitions to date:

  • 1993 Taha Boyn Gallery, Harare
  • 1994 Alliance Francaise, Harare
  • 1995 Harare Showgrounds
  • 1999 Canterbury, England
  • 2000 Galleria Del Mondo, Spain


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