Ambrorose attended Samatinha primary shool in Nyanga and then Hartzel high school in Mutare. From primary school his inclination towards art was apparent as he was outstanding indrawing and in activities like moulding flower pots and other figures like animals andfish, using clay. In secondary school he chose wood work as his practical subject and he was quite exceptional in that subject too. When Ambrorose leftschool hejoined his cousins Passmore and Tinei Masaya, who are quite renowned artists in stone sculpting. He worked as an apprentice with them and it was not long before he started sculpting his own pieces using opal stone. Ambrorose is now working on harder stones like Leopard Rock and Springstone. His work is inspired by his inner feelings and it appeals to the deepest feelings in a man. Some of his pieces are exhibited locally and othersin countries of theUSA, UK, Germany, Australia and others. His greatest ambition is to travel around the world exhibiting his work and assisting the upcoming generation of sculptors.